Welcome to the SPIRITUAL EYE EXAM® Resource Center!

The SPIRITUAL EYE EXAM® Resource Center provides value-added information, ideas, and insights that support our collection of spiritual growth assessments. Spiritual growth assessments are designed to help a person grow in their spiritual walk with God.
The SPIRITUAL EYE EXAM® brand name centers around the theme of a person's "spiritual eyesight." A person's spiritual eyesight begins the moment a person repents and places their full trust in Jesus. In other words, we are all born "spiritually blind" (2 Corinthians 4:4); however, the moment a person repents and puts their faith in Jesus they become "justified" (forgiven of all their sins and declared righteous) and they receive spiritual eyesight (Isaiah 42:7; Acts 26:18). From that point forward, a person's spiritual eyesight continues to strengthen as they embark on their lifelong spiritual growth journey (Hebrews 5:13-14). [NOTE: Another way to think about or refer to a person's "spiritual eyesight" is to think of it as their new "faith eyes" as the Bible instructs believers to begin walking and living by faith (2 Corinthians 5:7) versus physical sight, and this process takes time and effort to develop.]
Just like a person needs to have their "physical" eyesight examined, a person needs to also have their "spiritual" eyesight examined. As previously mentioned, once a person repents and places their faith in Jesus, they become justified and they are no longer spiritually blind (they now have spiritual eyesight). And from that moment-of-justification, the person is expected to continue growing and maturing in their knowledge of the Bible, their faith, and their relationship with God (God the Father, Jesus the Son, & the Holy Spirit). This life-long learning and growing process is known as "sanctification." Bible IQ has simplified this fancy theological term by referring to it as, and analogizing it to, a person's spiritual eyesight. In summary, as a person's spiritual maturity increases so does their spiritual vision!
I pray that the "eyes of your heart" may be enlightened, so that you will know what is the hope of His calling... and what is the surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe (Ephesians 1:18-19).
[Quotes added to emphasize "eyes of your heart" which represents a person's "spiritual eyesight" or "faith eyes."]

In summary, the SPIRITUAL EYE EXAM® Resource Center is designed to help people:
see Biblical Truths (understand core teachings & messages of the Bible)
examine their Spiritual Vision (assess their current spiritual maturity)
strengthen their Spiritual Vision (help them grow in their spiritual maturity)
Our current collection of SPIRITUAL EYE EXAM® Spiritual Growth Assessments include:
SPIRITUAL EYE EXAM® "Bible IQ" Assessment
SPIRITUAL EYE EXAM® "Your Purpose in Life" Assessment
SPIRITUAL EYE EXAM® "Fruit of the Spirit" Assessment
SPIRITUAL EYE EXAM® "Strong Life" Assessment
SPIRITUAL EYE EXAM® "Spiritual Blindness" Assessment

SPIRITUAL EYE EXAM® "Bible IQ" Assessment
The SPIRITUAL EYE EXAM® "Bible IQ" Assessment is designed to measure a person’s knowledge about core Biblical “truths,” which are the main teachings and messages of the Bible. The assessment includes 15 questions and the results are immediate.
NOTE: The SPIRITUAL EYE EXAM "Bible IQ" Assessment is not designed, nor intended, to assess a person's faith. Rather, it's sole purpose is to assess a person's head knowledge of core Biblical truths in a fun, simple, and high-level way, with the ultimate goal of encouraging test takers to read their Bible's more!
To take this assessment please go to the SPIRITUAL EYE EXAM page and then select the SPIRITUAL EYE EXAM "Bible IQ" Assessment, or click the following link: SPIRITUAL EYE EXAM Bible IQ Assessment
SPIRITUAL EYE EXAM® "Bible IQ" Assessment Answer & Reference Sheet
Check out our video promoting our SPIRITUAL EYE EXAM® assessments!
SPIRITUAL EYE EXAM® God's Word Transforms Infographic

Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law.

"I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you…"
Ephesians 1:18