Your Purpose In Life
The Bible reveals four primary purposes for your life - i.e., God’s plans, purpose, and will uniquely designed for you. At Bible IQ, we've captured these life-changing truths in a simple and memorable acronym: "4G." These four purposes are: "1. God-Up, 2. Group-Up, 3. Grow-Up, and 4. Gift-Up."
To Know and Love God (“Worship”) – We were made to worship God and to join His family.
The Bible states, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” Matthew 22:37 Do you know that God loves you deeply and desires that you love Him in return? The Bible states, “I want you to show love, not offer sacrifices. I want you to know me more than I want burnt offerings” (Hosea 6:6, NLT). Can you feel God’s passion to have a relationship with you? He wants you to know Him more than anything. So, it’s no surprise your first and primary purpose in life is to know and love God. And with that, do you happen to know the first step to knowing and loving God? [For more game-changing insights & information, please refer to our affiliated ministry, Your Purpose In Life, at or click the logo located at the bottom of this page.]GROUP-UP
To Love Others (“Fellowship”) – We were made to fellowship with God’s family and others.
The Bible states, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Matthew 22:39 Your second primary purpose in life is to love others. Do you know what the biblical meaning is for neighbor? Do you know the biblical meaning for love? Do you know there's a huge difference between "worldly" love and "Godly" love? [For more game-changing insights & information, please refer to our affiliated ministry, Your Purpose In Life, at or click the logo located at the bottom of this page.]GROW-UP
To Grow-Up Spiritually (“Discipleship”) – We were made to grow-up spiritually and become like Christ.
The Bible states, “Until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.” Ephesians 4:13 Your third primary purpose in life is to “Grow-up” spiritually. Think of it like this – similar to parents who want their children to grow-up to be physically and emotionally mature, God wants you to grow-up to be spiritually mature. Specifically, God wants you to become more like Jesus, not to become a ‘god’ – but to become more godly in your virtues and to live your life more fully and abundantly here on earth. Unfortunately, did you know that growing-up spiritually does not come automatic? That's right, it takes intentional effort and discipline, but God has provided us with a wonderful "spiritual gym" to help us exercise and grow our spiritual muscle! [For more game-changing insights & information, please refer to our affiliated ministry, Your Purpose In Life, at or click the logo located at the bottom of this page.]GIFT-UP
To Help Build God’s Kingdom (“Ministry”) – We were made to serve the ministry of building God’s kingdom.
The Bible states, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” Matthew 28:19-20Did you know that God designed you with unique gifts, passions, abilities, personality, and life experiences that equips you to fulfill His perfect and prosperous ministry plan (aka "special assignment") for your life? What's exciting is these same tailor-made attributes will not only help you in fulfilling this "primary" purpose in life, but they will also provide you with clues for making decisions about other big, yet "secondary" purposes in your life such as job, relationships, hobbies, goals, dreams, etc. [For more game-changing insights & information, please refer to our affiliated ministry, Your Purpose In Life, at or click the logo located at the bottom of this page.]