Teaching & Testing Biblical Truth

Associate’s Degree Curriculum!

The curriculum for the Associate’s Degree is comprised of the 10 courses listed below. The title of each course and the related course instructions are the same. You can do the 10 courses in any order and at your own pace. When you have completed a course, select the related “Completion Button” to affirm your success!

Course 101

Read all "Suggested Bible Reading" passages

Not started yet!
[NOTE: Click the above image, or go to the "BIBLE STUDY" menu and select "SUGGESTED BIBLE READINGS" and read all biblical passages.]
Course 102

Read the "Gospel" and take the "Gospel Quiz"

Not started yet!
[NOTE: Click the above image, or go to the "BIBLE STUDY" menu and select "THE GOSPEL" and read it. Then, select the "BIBLE QUIZZES" menu and take the "GOSPEL QUIZ." Obtain a 100%.]
Course 103

Read all 66 "Bible Book Summaries"

Not started yet!
[NOTE: Click the above image, or go to the "BIBLE STUDY" menu and select "BIBLE BOOK SUMMARIES" and read all 66 mini-summaries.]
Course 104

Read 200 "Bible Trivia" Questions

Not started yet!
[NOTE: Click the above image, or go to the "BIBLE TRIVIA" menu and select " SERIES 100" and "SERIES 200" and read all trivia questions and answers.]
Course 105

Take 5 "Bible Trivia" Quizzes

Not started yet!
[NOTE: Click the above image, or select the "BIBLE QUIZZES" menu. Scroll down to the "BIBLE TRIVIA QUIZZES" and take the first 5 quizzes. Obtain an 80% or higher.]
Course 106

Read the "Top 50" Bible Verses

Not started yet!
[NOTE: Click the above image, or go to the "BIBLE VERSES" menu and select "TOP 50 BIBLE VERSES."]
Course 107

Take all 4 "Bible Verse" Quizzes

Not started yet!
[NOTE: Click the above image, or select the "BIBLE QUIZZES" menu. Scroll down to "BIBLE VERSE QUIZZES" and obtain an 80% or higher on all 4 quizzes.]
Course 108

Read the "Ten Commandments Academy" content

Not started yet!
[NOTE: Click the above image, or go to the "BIBLE e-LEARNING PROGRAMS" menu and select "TEN COMMANDMENTS ACADEMY." Read all content.]
Course 109

Take the "Bible IQ Assessment"

Not started yet!
[NOTE: Click the above image, or go to the "BIBLE ASSESSMENTS" menu and select "BIBLE IQ ASSESSMENT." Obtain an 80% or higher.]
Course 110

Read the "Bible IQ Assessment" Answer & Reference Sheet

Not started yet!
[NOTE: Click the above image, or go to the "BIBLE ASSESSMENTS" menu and select "RESOURCE CENTER." Then scroll down and select and read this document.]